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Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School

Class Dojo

Local academy committee

Meet our Governors......

  • Reverend Canon Father Stuart King
    Appointee of the LDBS Academies Trust 2
  • Caroline Welch
    Headteacher, Ex-Officio, Appointed by virtue of office
  • Julie Riley
    Parent Governor
  • Alexandria Chessman-Tait
    Acting Chair of Governors (Vice Chair)
  • Andy Watkin
    Staff Governor

Annual Report from the Local Academy Committee

Please click here to view the Annual Report from the Local Academy Committee 2023

Please click here to view the Annual Report from the Local Academy Committee 2021

Please click here to view the Annual Report from the Local Academy Committee 2020

Please click here to view the Annual Report from the Local Academy Committee 2019

 The role of the Local Academy Committee

Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School is lead by the Headteacher and her team of staff. The Local Academy Committee oversees the effectiveness of the school and together with the Headteacher provides strategic direction for the work and improvement of the school. It also supports, monitors, and evaluates the effectiveness of the school and monitors the budget. Finally it holds the school to account for the standards achieved and the quality of education.

The Local Academy Committee is accountable to the LDBS Academies Trust

For more information about the role of the Governors please read the Academy Trust Governors Job Description

Further information about the LDBS Academies Trust - LAT 2, including information regarding the Board of Directors, Local Academy Committee, meeting minutes, governance and annual accounts and returns, can be found here (please use the drop down menu 'LAT2' at the top of the page to access the different reports and documents).

LAC meeting dates 2023-2024

12.09.2023 10.10.2023 14.11.2023
12.12.2023 16.01.2024 06.02.2024
05.03.2024 23.04.2024 04.06.2024
09.07.2024 Meetings normally take place at 13.30  once a month.

Register of LAC Membership and Register of Interest:

Reverend Canon Father Stuart King


Virtue of Office

Safeguarding link governor

SIAMS & Christian Ethos link governor

-Trustee of the LDBS

-Trustee of Ashford and Stanwell PCC

Governor of Ashford CE Primary School

-Trustee of Rowland Hill

-Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology

-Member of the Institute of Physics


Resigned as Chair of LAC on 31.05.23

Caroline Welch Virtue of Office Head teacher Employed by LDBS Academy Trust 2 Ex-officio

LAT Appointee

School Improvement Plan


Alex Chessman-Tait

Elected Parent Governor

Vice Chair of Governors - Chair of Governors from 01.06.23

School Improvement Plan


Expiration 22.02.2026
VACANCY LAT Appointee School Improvement Plan


Andrew Watkins Elected staff member School Improvement Plan Employee at Stanwell Fields



Julie Riley Elected parent governor School Improvement Plan Employee at Stanwell Fields Expiration 01.12.2024
Deborah Davis Associate member Deputy Head teacher Employee at Stanwell Fields N/A
Steve Laffey N/A Clerk to the Governors Self -employed



 Minutes from LAC Meetings 2023 -2024

Minutes September 2023                 Minutes October 2023                      Minutes November 2023

Minutes January 2024                       Minutes March 2024                          Minutes April 2024

Minutes from LAC Meetings 2022 -2023

Minutes September 2022                 Minutes October 2022                      Minutes November 2022

Minutes December 2022                  Minutes January 2023                        Minutes February 2023

Minutes March 2023                          Minutes April 2023                             Minutes May 2023

Minutes July 2023                                              

Minutes from LAC Meetings 2021 - 2022

 Minutes September 2021                 Minutes October 2021                       Minutes November 2021

Minutes December 2021                   Minutes January 2022                        Minutes February 2022

Minutes March 2022                          Minutes May 2022                                Minutes June 2022

Minutes July 2022