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Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School

Class Dojo

Home Learning

2023 Homework Policy


Children perform at their best when home and school work together. Homework should also be enjoyable for the child involved and should stimulate imagination and creativity as well as reinforcing what is taught in the classroom. Homework can cover a very wide range of activities, depending on the age of the child, but throughout the primary years a consistent emphasis will be put on reading for pleasure and purpose as part of homework.


  • Encourage a positive attitude towards learning
  • Consolidate and reinforce what is learnt in the classroom
  • Build up basic skills (particularly reading, writing and numeracy)
  • Encourage curious and independent learners
  • Develop good study habits
  • Prepare children for the next stage of education
  • Provide opportunities for parents and carers to be actively involved in their child’s education

Typical Homework


Content being updated.

Further Independent Tasks:

  • Children are also encouraged to complete other independent activities at home such as writing prayers or stories, playing maths games or researching topics of interest and these can be shared in class at the end of the school day.
  • Additional activities such as Times Tables Rockstars can also be accessed online and children can explore other areas of Purple Mash and espresso education. Please contact your child’s class teacher if your child needs reminding of their login information.


Online Learning

The majority of our homework tasks will be set online using Purple Mash. Each child has their own username and password to access this, teachers will mark and give feedback online  and parents are also able to see how their children are doing using the parent code. Sometimes, teachers may use MS Teams to set home learning tasks. 

Your child's class teacher will be able to help if your child has lost their login information. 

If children are unable to complete online tasks set for homework, please speak to the individual class teacher who may be able to support by offering paper homework tasks or providing other opportunities to complete online tasks within the school day. 

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