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Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School

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Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

Why teach RSHE?

•Good practical knowledge children can use to be understood e .g at a doctors or to a teacher.

•Learning over time in small chunks will enable children to process their knowledge and use it to make sound decisions when faced with risks, challenges and complexities regarding relationships later in life.

•Helps children to keep safe and develop positive relationships for a future happy life.


How is RSHE taught?

•Lessons are planned sequences at the child’s level and for the knowledge to be taught.

•At the start of RSHE lessons ground rules are set.

•There is also the opportunity for pupils to ask questions discreetly using the worry monster or worry box.

•As part of our pedagogy, there is retrieval practice from the previous lesson where vocabulary is revised and key knowledge.

•Lessons use books, videos, diagrams that are age appropriate.  These do change with the times to reflect the changes in society, e.g. fashions, age etc. so they are appealing to the children.

•Discussion is at the children’s level and the children are encouraged to ask questions.  

•Where pupils ask beyond the statutory RSHE curriculum teachers will say to the child, that is a good question but I am not able to answer that now.  I will talk with your parent to ask if they wish for me to tell you or they tell you. 

Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy

RSHE curriculum information for parent consultation