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Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School

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‘All children and young people are entitled to an appropriate education, one that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential. This should enable them to: achieve their best, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training.’

Article 6.1, Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years, Department for Education, January 2015

Our Aim

Our aim at Stanwell Fields is to include every child in all aspects of school enabling them to flourish, to learn and to achieve. The education of children with SEND is the responsibility of every member of staff and we, as a team, endeavour to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum to enable all children to fulfil their potential. We aspire to be sensitive to the needs of every child, reducing barriers to learning and making the curriculum accessible to all. We use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for children for whom this is required, that is ‘additional to and different from’ that provided within the differentiated curriculum to better respond to the four areas of need identified in the Code of Practice (January 2015).

Stanwell Fields SENDCO is Miss Julie Perry Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion

Surrey’s SEND Local Offer

Website: https://www.surreylocaloffer.org.uk

Email: localoffer@surreycc.gov.uk

Phone: 0300 2001004

Please click here to find a link to the SEND Surrey, ‘Finding the right primary school in Surrey. Your guide to schools for children with special educational needs and disabilities in Surrey’

Stanwell Fields: Our Local Offer

Please follow the links below to Stanwell Fields’ local offer for Special Educational Needs and the Provision for Additional Support:

Special Educational Needs Information Report 2018 -2019

Special Educational Needs Information Report 2019 - 2020

Special Educational Needs Information Report 2020- 2021

Special Educational Needs Information Report 2021-2022

Special Educational Needs Information Report 2022-2023

Provision Map for Additional Support 2023